Thursday, April 9, 2009

JimWorth's List of Cool Tweets

I've been tweeting for about a month now. It's great to keep up with friends, follow trends, and generally stay engaged with a subset of my network.

They are all great, or I would not be following them. But a few of them stand out and make my list of Cool Tweets.

@jordanayan - email newsletter provider to the stars
@nealwiser - maniac and social networker
@aaron116 - insightful social networking
@DanielEndy - scary brilliant
@ericjsilva - brilliant and witty - but silent for months :-(
@salesleadertodd - more energy than a room full of toddlers
@csrollyson - linked in guru, midwest zone
@edcallahan - linked in guru, eastern zone
@wilreynolds - SEO guru, just short of the energy level of todd

2nd wave added 5/4/09
@kevinkruse - Health 2.0 research and analysis
@ChiefBeaker - keeping up with the Pharma industry
@timoreilly - Coined the term Web 2.0 - lots of updates / insight

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Websites in the network

Finally got the blog updated

OK, I've had for about 9 years now. I've decided it's time to start using it. Don't expect much, but rather a landing place where I can post things I find interesting.

You can find me on linked in and twitter. If we know each other and are not yet connected on LinkedIn, send me an invitation!

Stay tuned.