Friday, June 15, 2012

Why is Yammer Worth $1.2B?

You cannot underestimate the power of "working out loud" with social tools.

Over the last 48 hours there have been many words written about the rumored Microsoft acquisition of Yammer, but very little about just what Yammer is and why Microsoft would care.  In fact many have never heard of Yammer and wonder just where did this come from and why would Microsoft pay an Instagram price for this company with a potato like name.

The social revolution happening in the consumer space has also been happening within corporation.  It goes by the name of Enterprise 2.0, Social Business, or Social Enterprise.  Yammer is one of the early products who picked up on the twitter model of short messages posted to followers, but they keep it within the firewall of large corporations, creating a "walled garden" for private discussions within local and far flung offices of a company.  I was introduced to the product about 3 years ago when I was working for a global company with tens of thousands of employees.  About 1000 had already picked up on the idea and found great value in the self forming communities and open communications that Yammer enabled. 

Yammer claims to be used in 200,000 organizations and makes their entrance most often through a "freemium" approach.  The cloud based product can be enabled by any employee with a company email address.  Once enabled, the employee invites colleagues to join, tying the network together by the common email domain that is required to confirm your membership.  Often the network grows quickly outside of the watchful eye of the Information Technology department and before you know it, there is full scale, crowd driven collaboration taking place.  IT can't seem to understand why a product like this is needed, since they already offer email, IM and SharePoint collaboration sites.  But Yammer is special, it is a rebel product that can be installed, promoted, and maintained by Marketers or Sales people.  Yammer builds in viral hooks that encourage users to bring on more within the company using the email system.  Once they see a network picking up, Yammer's sales people begin to contact the heavy users and start the up-sell process to try to convert the service into a subscription at $5 to $15 per user per month. 

The irony is that relatively few ever convert.  A network of 10,000 users would cost $600k to $1.8mm per year at those prices.  The main advantage to a subscription is the ability to have better control, mainly in deleting employees that have left the company. It is not until IT and Legal get involved that anyone wants to even consider a pay model.  So, for the most part, the process continues and corporations in mass adopt this free service as a entry point into enterprise collaboration.

So, just what does Yammer do for a corporation?  Why would it be worth $1.2B as an acquisition?  Yammer provides an excellent selection of desktop and mobile clients that bring the network to the employee 24x7 on any device.  Just like Twitter, they offer a simple web interface, but also offer a desktop client and apps for every major mobile platform.  The security is simple and on a smartphone, the application is always on and always accessible, enabling quick and easy collaboration riding on top of the popular BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) wave.  

I used Yammer to monitor the flow of conversation within my company.  People would post ideas, suggestions, questions, or links to corporate intranet content.  Others would build upon those ideas, begin a conversation, or simply listen in to the conversation.  The conversations are mostly public within the company, but the tool gives the ability to create private groups where sensitive conversations can stay within a department or a team without being viewable by the entire corporation.  Once I asked the crowd where I could find the latest corporate PowerPoint template.  Within minutes someone I had never met responded with an intranet link to the answer.

You cannot underestimate the power of "working out loud" with social tools.  So many conversations get trapped in the one on one world of email and instant messaging.  With open sharing, new ideas emerge, experts are found, and teams are formed from the groundswell.  Serendipity happens when conversations become public and others are encouraged to listen and contribute their ideas, all within the safety of the company walls. 

Yammer is onto something big.  Microsoft recognizes that they need to make an acquisition to become relevant in this space and the deal is done.  All we need now is to get confirmation that this is indeed happening.  [update 6/25: It's official.  See the press release]

You can follow more emerging coverage on this handy Google Doc being composed by the crowd.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What Is It About Instagram?

Instagram gives a brief, but intimate peek into their lives, their loves, and their joys.

The news was a shock. No, it can't be. Facebook is buying Instagram for $1,000,000,000?  No, wait, it already happened?  Oh, boy, there goes the neighborhood.

That was my thought immediately. Then I read the statement from the newly minted multi-millionaire CEO of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, "It's important to be clear that Instagram is not going away." Well, that is some comfort, but it's not the "going away" I'm worried about.  it's the "getting all caught up in the Facebook thing" that is worrying me.

It was just earlier today that I was remembering my post, "Facebook Today, Reminds Me of AOL in 1998", that I thought to myself, "I love apps like Instagram that let you have a small slice of photo sharing without all the overhead that Facebook brings", and then Bam! it's all over and Instagram is taken over by Facebook.

It got me thinking how great these sharing tools have become. A simple app that lets you take a picture, geo-tag it with your location, and then apply one of 17 or so filters to make it exceptionally cool. Gees, I could never take a good picture until Instagram came along. And then all of a sudden friends were saying "great shot," "cool pic,"  "Wow, stunning."  Check out a sampling of my masterpieces here.

I've been on Instagram for a year or so. In that time, I've carved out a small subset of my twitter crowd and became closer to each of them by what they share in photos of their lives. I have a few friends in Australia that share their "summer down under" pictures during the long, cold North American winter.  Then, there is my friend in Calgary for even the cool spring days here when he posts snow cover pictures well into April.  I have other friends who keep me current on the fast growth of their babies and toddlers.

It is just too good.  Each picture is a masterpiece, a little slice of life, that makes the relationship a little stronger.   Most of these people, I've only met on twitter or maybe face-to-face just once at a conference or some event.  Instagram gives me a brief, but intimate peek into their lives, their loves, and their joys.

Judging from the backlash today, many people feel like I do.  One friend is already well on his way to exporting his pictures and deleting his account, just because he dislikes Facebook so much. Well, I'm not going that far, but I do hope that Facebook does not pull a "Gowalla" with Instagram.

Please Facebook, don't mess this one up.  It's the best thing going out there right now.